Gratituce - 9

I'm grateful for:
  1. Watching "Dave" in the late evening with Tim and Liz
  2. Good friends from faraway here to visit for both Greg and Laura, and for Andrea and Ben
  3. Back to walking after neglecting it for several days.
  4. The chard and the romaine have sprouted.
  5. Time to read the first chapter of "An Altar in the World", entitled "Waking up to God"
It was late when we finished the movie and I wanted to talk to Chuck a bit, and Tim wanted the computer. I didn't post these until Sunday morning. Sorry. I'll have more tonight.


submarinesubmarine said…
1. One last dinner and ice cream with a good friend, now on his way back to Brussels.
2. The smoothest Sunday I've had at work in ages, in spite of three complicated cake orders which we only had one cake for. (We cut the other two out of sheet cakes.)
3. A stop at a local greenhouse on my way home from work. I had no intention of buying anything but ended up spending $30 but I love supporting the place and the friendly lady remembered me instantly although I've only stopped there once before, a whole year ago.
4. A sunny afternoon at the park reading a good book and watching my friends play.
5. A comics convention close enough and short enough that my husband will be gone less than 24 hours.
spiderwart said…
1. friends safe trip to Kansas./

2. A perfect day, not to hot or too windy

3. great day at the zoo with a sleepy 2 yr old who did really good and friends from Indiana.

4. good BBQ.

5. time to catch up.
spiderwart said…
whoops those are all from the day before! Here are the ones for Saturday.

1. mom and dad taking Luke so we could to a few more adult activities for the day.

2. watching my friends enjoy meeting my family.

3. watching my family enjoy meeting my friends.

4. Time to shop, visit the Cosmosphere, and eat at Reba's!

5. lots of good conversations with a very good friend.

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