Sunset walk

last light on autumn grass

I wish it was as simple to enjoy a beautiful home as it is to walk outdoors and enjoy a beautiful sunset.

Our house needs work, and today someone came to look at our foundation. That means that we got rid of things that have lived in the basement for years, untouched. I needed a dust mask to sweep the floor as it is not a regularly used space, but rather a repository for things that are not often used.

I didn't throw away the empty canning jars, or the canner, even though I haven't used it in a few years. We got rid of empty boxes, old light fixtures, and so much miscellaneous stuff that we once thought we might use someday, or we just didn't know what to do with it and added it to the basement collection of things to decide later (whenever that is). How long must something sit on a warped ping pong table before we know we are not going to use it anymore? 

How long do you a keep a warped ping pong table? 

I've got a stack of things to clean and donate. That feels good. 

Sunset through the autumn grasses

This house is over one hundred years old, and it is built on a cinder block foundation. The mortar between the cinder blocks on some of the walls is disappearing, crumbling away. The walls are no longer straight, but have kind of a precarious look. Some cracks are quite large. We found out some options for fixing that. In the process, a lot of stuff left our basement. Some things got cleaned up to be donated. The burn pile is bigger.

Last color

Tomorrow the time changes away from daylight savings time, which means I will have to get out early to catch the sunset. Right now I can go downstairs and enjoy the empty and cleaner space, the fruit of our labor. It is work that should have been done long ago, and I'm glad it is done now. 

But looking over that accomplishment does not compare to walking at sunset, just me and the dog and the gentle breeze.


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