
After a very difficult day a couple of weeks ago I woke up in the wee hours and couldn't go back to sleep. After an hour, Chuck woke up and realized I was still stewing about the day before. He gave me some advice.

He sees his world as having lots of boxes. There are boxes for each of the people that are important in his life. There are boxes for the farm, for running in the morning, for good meals, for happy memories. When one box gets too overwhelming or demanding or depressing, he visualizes closing it and opening a different one that is more healing or rejuvenating.

So the other night when things got very frustrating for me again, I went outside to take a break. I'd forgotten about the boxes. I paced the driveway and drank my soda and paced and sipped. Finally I went to him and complained about my frustration. Taking a break was not helping at all. Walking didn't help. Getting out of the house didn't help. Sipping pop didn't help. I was still furious.

"Close the box," he said. "Open a different one."

What a concept. I got my dog and chose to "open her box". We strolled around the yard and I breathed the spring air and fully enjoyed the moment. Better than therapy.


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