The Baby is Here

My plan for yesterday was to work on the plastering job in the dining room.  Laura had asked if I wanted to go to her prenatal appointment with her, but I thought I'd get that dining room done so I'd have more time for her after the baby came.  When she called, I quickly explained my thinking...and then she patiently explained that she really wasn't calling about the appointment because labor had begun.  I needed to come and hang out with Luke at the birthing center while the new baby came.

I packed up books, new art supplies for Luke, and couple of kid movies, my knitting and a snack and headed out.  After we left Laura and Greg's house, we decided we might need more than snacks, so we left a message for Chuck to bring stuff for sandwiches for lunch.

After Laura got checked in, she was feeling like walking, and we walked several blocks to get cinnamon rolls.  She was so happy to have chosen the birthing center so that early labor could be spent doing normal fun activities.

As the day progressed it became clear that a nap would not happen at the birthing center.  Chuck and I took Luke home in the late afternoon.  Chuck chored and Luke and I read stories and rested.  Luke slept pretty well, and we had supper waiting for him when he woke up---but he was not really interested in supper at all.

We'd just begun talking about whether there was something that Luke might be interested in eating when Greg called to say that Aaron was born.  Luke definitely was no longer interested in eating supper.  He wanted to see the baby!  And he wanted to eat the birthday cake!  It was going to be a very very big birthday cake!  Let's go see the birthday cake!

Luke meeting Aaron for the first time.

When we arrived at the birth center, Luke forgot about the cake in his excitement about baby Aaron.  It was such fun to watch his reactions to the baby and then his enthusiasm about taking pictures of the baby.  Then he just couldn't hold his excitement in anymore and he began dancing as frantically and excitedly as he possibly could.

Luke's first chance to hold Aaron
He has blond hair.
We got turns to hold Aaron while Greg and Laura enjoyed some hamburgers and fries from the only restaurant that was still open.  Ben and Andrea arrived.  We had birthday cake, and then Luke and I settled in on the floor to cut and paste while the others visited.

Luke playing after we ate the birthday cake (thus the frosting on his face).

The midwife kept checking on Laura and Aaron, and gave the OK to leave, so everyone packed up and went home.  What a great day.

The shiny stuff by his eye is a medicated salve they give babies, not tears.

 I wish I had pictures of Greg holding Aaron, but while he was holding Aaron, I was taking pictures with their camera, and didn't think to get mine out as well.


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