the least of these

More Dorothy Day combined with other thoughts from my devotions.

Some of Day's writings are nearly like a journal, full of her current emotions and struggles. There are days when she finds herself drained by the demands. There are people she finds it difficult to love. She writes about this plainly with no glossing over it with religious jargon.

And then she goes to prayer. The demands don't end. The people don't change. But somehow Dorothy can see a bigger picture. She has chosen to relate to people as though they are Christ, based on the words of Christ. "Inasmuch as you have done it to the least of these, my brothers, you have done it unto me."

Yesterday I was in an irrational conflict that would usually send me over the edge. Just before I spoke in anger, I remembered that verse. I gritted my teeth and thought to myself, see Jesus in him, see Jesus in him... I was mad and my teeth were gritted, but I managed a cheerful two word response instead of a scolding. At the end of the day there was one less regret to feel bad about.


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