Extreme Holiday

Thanksgiving week was truly a week of extremes.

My daughter came home for a week.

We had traditional Thanksgiving with my husband's family and enjoyed so much getting to see a cousin once removed (yes i know what that is) from Paraguay whom we last saw 8 years ago. It was a peaceful and relaxing day full of good conversation.

We had soup and bread Thanksgiving at my house with my family and enjoyed a long relaxing day together. The menu was simple to keep my stress level down and it worked very well. Others had great contributions to the food. My nephews got to help feed the pigs (or at least watch the pigs be fed).

After everyone went home my son got angry with me and couldn't bring himself back down from that. The result was a showdown between a 12 year old with a fireplace poker and three sheriffs. It also included an ambulance ride and a stay at a mental health facility. He came home today and things are tenuous. Everyone is still a bit on pins and needles.

Monday my daughter had four interviews followed by four job offers.

Tuesday we looked at houses and she put a contract on her favorite.

Wednesday we checked into loans.

I gave up on nanowrimo, but not on my story. It won't be a book, but it is good for me somehow and I want to keep working on it.

Coming up, a weekend away with my husband to our favorite getaway, thanks to a gift of childcare and chores from my son and daughter-in-law and to some wonderful supportive care for my more angry son from my very good friend and her husband.


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