Gratitude - 23 and 24

I'm a bit behind because of long full days, and because the blogging site was down one evening. Here are two days worth of gratitude.

On Sunday I was grateful for:
  1. Being invited to Bentley's dedication. It was good to be there for many reasons, but most importantly because of what God has done and is doing in Courtney's and Bentley's lives.
  2. The drive to and from Salina. On the way there I was able to enjoy some needed time with Wes talking about the things that are important to him. On the way back I cranked up Pierce Pettis and enjoyed singing along loudly, and thinking my own thoughts without interruption.
  3. MDS house dedication. Jamboree sounded good. I'm excited about the project. I didn't have to figure out what to have for supper.
  4. Time to work on my classroom for Monday Bible School.
  5. Deciding to gut it out and finish the dishes late at night even though I was tired. Now they are done.
On Monday I was grateful for:
  1. An exhilarating day of Bible School teaching 8 boys from grades 3-5.
  2. The joy of hearing children ask honest questions and having the whole class engaged fully in discussing together what the answers might be.
  3. Being well enough prepared that I felt ready to lead.
  4. Other gifted people to lead the things I'm not good at---active games, crafts, music, creative snacks.
  5. Feeling no guilt about taking a break from the intensity of work at home to catch up on some sleep and to do some advance prep for Bible school.


Becca said…

1. The discovery of how nice it can be to go for a jog when it's sprinkling out.
2. The strawberries turning pink.
3. A nice phone call from my sweetie.
4. Fruit salad.
5. A clean kitchen.


1. Joseph's home!!! (Actually that's today but my gratitude days have strange hours)
2. Sharing the first strawberry out of the garden with Joseph.
3. Yoga, and pleasantly sore muscles.
4. Really beautiful bread today.
5. Acknowledgment of the beautiful bread.

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