Gratitude - 28

Today I'm grateful for:
  1. Saying 'yes' to Bible School, even though it didn't make sense with the amount of work and the schedule. Things worked out better than expected with the schedule. There will always be work. I had five great days with a class of boys and Stef and Jerry.
  2. Enjoying spending time with Tim and Christian at lunch and with them and Wes at supper today.
  3. An abundance of stuff in the garden.
  4. The way it feels to take a cool bath after a long sticky afternoon.
  5. Chuck put the first accent color on the east side of the house this evening!


Becca said…
1. Getting some good work done in the garden.
2. Dinner and a movie at home with my sweetie.
3. A good nights sleep.
4. Working with some of my favorite co-workers and kicking butt.
5. The motivation to go for a jog, again in the rain.

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