Eat, Pray, Love

We wanted to enjoy the driving parts of our vacation as well as the destination parts, so we left time at the end of one day's driving to go to a movie. We could not find a listing for what was playing at the 7 theatres across the street from our motel, so we just went over to pick one.

The selection wasn't as easy to choose from as I'd hoped. We narrowed the choices down to "Despicable Me" and "Eat, Pray, Love". No one seemed to have an opinion so I chose "Eat, Pray, Love". I'd heard great stuff about the book, and I've enjoyed many of Julia Robert's movies. I figured if I just got to hear her wonderful laugh, that would almost be worth the tickets.

It was fun to see the smirk on the teenage boy ticket taker's face as he watched us drag our two teenage boys into a definite chick flick.

We should have chosen "Despicable Me". I don't think there was one good belly laugh in the whole movie. There were montages with music, where you could see, but not hear, her laughing. But it is hearing her laughing that is the good part.

And since the rest of the movie was a disappointment, the lack of loud Julia Roberts guffaws was significant.

I'm sure it is hard to do a movie about someone's inner journey. How do you show in pictures what is happening inside the soul of a person? Still, I think they could have done better.

I haven't read the book but I've heard about it from friends who have. It seems to me that the movie left out the essence of the book and all that was left was the framework. It wasn't enough. We see Julia Robers eating, praying, and falling in love, but we don't really get why it is important or how she is changed by this experience.

Read the book. Skip the movie.


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