
A friend of mine died this week. She is younger than me and adopted a sibling group of three at about the same time we adopted our two brothers. Her oldest is not done with high school yet. It is hard to imagine her gone.

Last summer a couple of days after her mastectomy I went to see her at home. She and her husband were struggling with their oldest son and knew we had been through similar things. I don't think I helped that much. They just needed to talk to someone who could empathize, but there is no magic advice. It was so good to be there that day. The things they had been through had softened them somehow, mellowed them. They were themselves, only more so. They had the wisdom that comes through hard times.

The hard times aren't over, at least not for her family. The funeral is Monday and then come the long days of grieving. They are surrounded by friends and family and they won't be left alone.

There's more at my other site.


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