Day 1 - Accepting Myself

All I can say is that I gave myself quite a workout today. Am I doing all the things I usually feel bad about just so I can see how strong my commitment to self acceptance really is?

I'm trying to achieve this Zen-like state that allows me to just observe without making judgements. That includes observing others as well as myself. I can observe what they do but I have to avoid the jump to assigning motives to their actions. That is quite a feat.

Most of the time strong negative emotions are caused by thinking we know why people did what they did. But that is not always true. I think that observing my child still chewing with his mouth open after five reminders at the same meal can cause strong negative emotions without having a clue as to his motives.

Oops. Judgement alert. "Negative" is a judgement. But I don't judge myself for judging, right?


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