Try this...

New instructions today. I am supposed to accept myself exactly the way I am for an entire week. No guilt. No shoulds. Just notice what I'm thinking, feeling, and doing without judgment. Next week I can think about changing if I want to.

I have a feeling it will be a challenge to get through a whole week without judging myself or stressing out how to do better. How will I feel at the end?

The instructions include this little sentence just for me. "If you find yourself judging yourself, don't judge yourself for judging yourself." Isn't that great?


Anonymous said…
Haha, I love reading your thoughts. Thanks for posting more often again.

I dreamed of my brother J last night. It's a long story but it was a fond dream and we were all younger. I suddenly remembered my dream while at work early this morning and then realized it's his birthday. Are you going to see him today? If you do, tell him I love him and think of him often and tell him Happy Birthday from me.


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