Newsweek and life at home

The Newsweek arrives on Wednesday and there were a couple of editorials worth reading aloud at lunch. The first was about the culture of poverty and the similarities to the culture of the very rich. The article is by Daniel Gross and gives plenty of reason for outrage.

The second, by Jonathan Alter, is about why politicians (including Hillary) lie so largely. It is a fun expose' of whoppers from the past as well as a look into what goes into the thought process before a lie. There is a bit of biting humor there as well, but not so funny for a Hillary fan, probably.

There are probably some links between the two articles, seeing that Hillary is plenty rich and may share in those foibles. Something to think about...

* * * * * *

Today I planned to be home all day. My bedroom needs to go from being a pit to being a sanctuary. I want to work some good stuff into the soil in my flower beds. Maybe I could throw a few spinach seeds into the garden. I have some work for church, and I need to write.

Then I was reminded that I'd agreed to do some work for Chuck. And then we both remembered that meat was ready for pick up at the butcher. Then there were phone calls and discussions about phone calls. The morning was gone, as well as half the afternoon.

I get pretty peeved when this stuff happens. I don't mind nearly as much when I've already got a full day planned that is away from home. I can roll with the punches and shift gears. It is when I have planned a day at home that alterations throw me off kilter. I want to do those things I was looking forward to doing.


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