Gratitude - 10
Today I am grateful for:
- Waking up wide awake enough and early enough to walk an hour before church.
- A thought provoking Sunday School lesson on hermeneutics.
- Great worship music at church.
- An excellent nap with no guilt for being lazy.
- Authentic fried rice feast for supper.
- Fun playing games with the kids.
2. The content feeling I feel when I'm gardening and the joy in each new leaf and bloom.
3. A snuggly puppy to cuddle with.
4. My honey getting home two hours earlier than I expected.
5. A co-worker and friend's kind words about my garden.
2. A high schooler who delights in my child and who my child loves.
3. time to relax with my friends while not going anywhere!
5. spending time planing games with lots of people I love.