Errands, etc.

I was shopping again today, this time just for groceries.
I had what seemed like a long list. However, by the time everything was collected, my cart still had a lot of room.
That used to never happen.
Even though Chuck and I have been on our own with no kids at home for quite a while now, some parts of it are still a bit foreign.

At the store I saw a much younger woman put six gallons of milk in her cart, and remembered when we used to use eight in a week. She seemed pretty young to be using that much milk at home, but I didn't think too much about it until I went to the drive through coffee shop across the street from Dillons.
There she was, at the window of the coffee shop,
ready to take my order.
I guess there are many reasons to need a lot of milk!

Another thing that has taken a long time to fade out from large family life is cooking in big batches. It is soup season, and I like to fill the big kettle. I have a two gallon kettle, which is my usual soup pot. But chili was always made in my five gallon pot. I could still do that because chili freezes well. But if we don’t want to freeze it, we would need to have a lot of company.

I picked out a cabbage for borscht today at the grocery store, and I tried to pick one of the smaller ones. I don’t know how successful I was. It wasn’t the biggest one there, but it wasn’t the smallest one either. Borscht and chili share the quality of being better tasting every time you reheat them.
Both of them should actually be made a day ahead of time so that even the first meal has that wonderful melded flavor. Small batches just don’t make sense for those soups.

The exciting part of the shopping was that I lost my phone.
Only I didn’t lose it.
I’d decided I needed to bring it along since Chuck and I were both doing errands and would need to communicate. I went back to the kitchen to get it before we left.
After I finished at Dillons and went to meet Chuck, I could not find my phone.
I looked all over the car, in case it had fallen out of my purse.
I went back to Dillons and checked several places.
I left a description of it at the service desk along with my name and contact info.
Then I gave up and we came home,
where we found my phone,
exactly where it had been in the kitchen when I’d thought I would need it in town.
How is it I can remember taking my phone when I did not take my phone????
But it is a relief to know it’s here.

On a completely different note, we passed another milestone with Fritz today. He doesn't love being groomed. I have to do it a little bit at a time and he moans when I work on his legs and tail.

Today he tolerated being completely combed out twice, once before his bath, and once after.
There were only a couple of tiny moans.
I had a bowl of Toasted Oats, and fed them to him one at a time VERY frequently.
Now he is clean, smells good, and has no tangles.

I love the tiny curls that form in his fur when he gets combed before he has completely dried off.

That should help when he goes to the groomer for the first time next month.

Now he’s all tuckered out.


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